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Freedom for Immigrants

Total 416 Posts

The Sparrow and the Hare

by Laura Dravenstott The Sparrow and the Hare, from Aesop’s Fables > “Some Eastern religions have called the correspondence between who you are and what you can make happen or what will happen *karma*. And Jesus said it this way: Do not judge, and you will not be judged, Do

Call Me Libertad

After Carlos was released, he began working with community groups to advocate for people in detention. This is his poem and his story Carlos Hidalgo used the pseudonym “Libertad” or “Liberty” to communicate with the outside world while in detention Carlos Hidalgo was separated from his family and twice detained

One Frank Poem

Alexandra is a journalist, poet, and musician who was detained for 444 days at the Eloy Detention Center in Arizona Aleksandra Gologuzova (Pen name/nickname Alexandra La Golosa) *Alexandra writes:* “I started to write in immigration detention because I did not have many things to do, and I needed to

Reunite Cesar and Son!

Read Cesar’s Story and Sign and Share his Petition Cesar Leyva with his six-year-old son We are asking the Department of Homeland Security/Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) to parole Cesar Leyva back into the United States to be reunited with his son, siblings, and community after an unjust


September 30th marked the twentieth anniversary of the passage of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA). Immigrant rights groups shine a light on the dark legacy of the 1996 laws and collectively challenge lawmakers to Fix ‘96. The #BringJoseBack campaign:

Testimony in Textile

by Namita Paul “A Higher Bond #2″ Pen and ink on paper I became aware of the social, political, physical, and psychological aspects of immigration detention during the course of a class called “Advanced Topics in Activism and Advocacy: Trans of Color Poetics” taught by Dr. micha cárdenas at the

The Visitor: Witnessing the Detention System

Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC) is the national detention visitation network, which is working to end U.S. immigration detention by monitoring human rights abuses, elevating stories, building community-based alternatives to detention, and advocating for system change. Our visitation programs are mapped with the purple icons, http:

Until We Are All Free

“Until We Are All Free” by Jess X Snow, Launched in 2015, [UNTIL WE ARE ALL FREE]( is an unprecedented collaboration between [CultureStrike](, [Mobilize the Immigrant Vote](, and

When I am drawing, I am not in here

Kamal, an artist from Morocco, spent three years in immigration detention Drawn by Kamal Hachem from Morocco at the Theo Lacy Detention Facility in Orange, California. 6/26/16. He was released from detention after three years in December of 2016. Kamal says, “When I am drawing, I am not