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Freedom for Immigrants

Total 416 Posts

Rapid Responders: Protecting Communities Against ICE Raids

by Nina Randazzo Image Credit: Mijente Know Your Rights 2017 The room is filled with people of all ages discussing what kind of information to record when witnessing an ICE raid. “Use of force.” “Abusive language.” “Entering a home without a warrant.” This is a training session for rapid responders,

Last Night in the Shelter, Menores en el Camino

by Joseph Sorrentino The Menores en el Camino shelter in Oaxaca, Mexico. The numbers out front are the country codes for the Northern Triangle Countries. Salvador is 503; Guatemala is 502; Honduras is 504; Nicaragua is 505. ### Noel Noel had been walking for about ten hours when we met him

The Change

by Pedro, currently in immigration detention in Illinois I lived in a dark world without any direction and not knowing that my actions would cause me to hurt my family and my life, but thanks to my Lord and savior my eyes opened. I know I live for him and

What TV Could Show

Phal Sok has been doubly punished by our criminal justice and immigration detention systems. Read his story and watch a short film by the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance Phal Sok, 35, was taken into immigration custody after being paroled from a lengthy prison sentence. He is now out on

Ayuda Paola — Help Free Paola from Detention! Paola Eunice Ponce Arellana es una mujer de Honduras que llegó a los Estados Unidos debido a la extrema pobreza. Ella está completamente sola, sin familia aquí. Ella tiene una conocida aquí con un gran corazón que le ha ofrecido donde quedarse

Immigration Enforcement at the Contested Border

by Maria G. Ibarra-Frayre I am used to traveling. And I am used to the mental checklist that goes, “Rain jacket, make sure to check the weather, make sure to bring cash, don’t forget to check-in for my flight…” the list continues. However, this trip is different. The mental

Aquí, estoy atorado / Here, I am stuck

Sergio has lived in the United States for 40 years; now he needs our help to get out of immigration detention. As told by Emmie Ramirez Each time I visit someone in immigration detention, I’m given a name and number but have no clue how the person I’m

No More Detention: Free Pastor Noe

Watch Pastor Noe’s story and write to ICE to demand his release from detention Photo Credit: The Matthew 25 Coalition of Southern California Pastor Carias is serving a thriving Assemblies of God church in South Los Angeles. His wife as well as his 5 and 7 year old children

Each $2,300 Brings A Hunger Striker Home!

Support the Adelanto Refugee Bond Fund Artwork by Electra In June, Adelanto detainees began making headlines by going on three hunger strikes against impossibly high bonds and inhumane living conditions that include physical abuse and medical neglect. Now, eight original Central American hunger strikers and the 20 Haitians who later