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Freedom for Immigrants

Total 416 Posts

Me gustaria contarles todo / I would like to tell you everything

by Elvia Ortiz Photo Credit: Tina Shull *Editor’s note: Elvia Ortiz, who was detained at the Adelanto Detention Facility in California since March of 2016, recently contacted Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC). She told us that she wanted to share her story with the public and

Free Felix: Boyle Heights Father Kidnapped by ICE

From the Immigrant Youth Coalition Source: IYC #### Felizardo’s Story: On the morning of Thursday, May 18, Border Patrol went into the Boyle Heights community, knocking on doors to try to locate our member, 22-year-old youth Claudia Rueda, ultimately cornering, arresting and detaining her along with any other community members

Urgent! Days Away from Deportation Without Your Help

Help Keep Maria Luz’s family together Source: Crowdrise Maria Luz has been in the US for 27 years and now has only until September 29, 2017 — less than two weeks — to raise $2,000 to pay her lawyer’s fee or be deported. She is the mother of four

The work of many generations

Artwork by Jose Vasquez, detained at the Theo Lacy Jail in California > “Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your school are the work of many generations. All this is put in your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honor it, add

Only Words

A Poem by William Lopez *TW: Deportation Violence* August 1, 2017 Many community members rallied at the airport to protest the deportation of a loved and valued mujer from a county in the Midwestern U.S. Her deportation is one of the 400,000 that occur every year, with each