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Freedom for Immigrants

Total 416 Posts

Miguel Williamson Has Been Taken Back Into ICE Custody in Retaliation

Please Contribute to his Urgent Legal Fees Fund Miguel Williamson was detained in immigration detention for years at the Etowah County Detention Center, among other facilities. In May 2014, Williamson suffered a massive heart attack that led to double kidney failure. Mr. Williamson was in the custody of Immigration and

All of this happened because I love someone

Muhammad, 30, is currently in immigration detention in California “Triton and Mermaid” by Carlos Espino. Photo Credit: Tina Shull My name is Muhammad.* I am thirty years old. For everyone there comes an incident that changes things. I also had an incident that changed my life. Now, I am far

Jennings v. Rodriguez: Will the Supreme Court Curb Prolonged Detention?

by Nina Randazzo Read Mr. Joseph’s and others’ stories of prolonged detention at The case *Jennings v Rodriguez*, heard by the Supreme Court on October 3rd without a decision, may ultimately decide whether persons held in immigration detention are guaranteed due process. Currently, no such guarantee exists

Help Maria Ortiz Build a New Life

“I just want justice for so many people who are alone and needing help.” Maria with her children, Brandon and Marisela *Quiero que esta carta la pongas … donde sea escuchada y vean como esta esta situación en la que estoy y como me encuentro que no tengo casa ni carro,

Yes, Roberto arrived legally in the U.S.

What many of us don’t realize is that because of laws passed in 1996 under Clinton (1996 immigration law reforms), legal immigrants to the U.S. (permanent residents) can be put into removal proceedings due to being charged with certain categories of crimes that are considered “crimes of moral

California Signs Dignity Not Detention Act Into Law

The Act will Bring Needed Accountability to Private Immigration Prisons Photo Credit: CIVIC ***October 5, 2017 ***— Today, Governor Brown signed SB 29, the Dignity Not Detention Act, into law, effectively freezing the growth of private, for-profit immigration detention facilities in the state of California. The bill also prohibits cities or

CIVIC and NYU Immigrant Rights Clinic Launch #BecauseTheyAreFree Campaign

The Campaign Highlights the Harms of Prolonged Immigration Detention For immediate release ***October 3rd, 2017 *— **Sylvester Owino started a well-loved business, sharing his culinary gifts. Arnold Giammarco rejoined his wife and daughter after years of separation, and gained U.S. citizenship. Gretta Soto Moreno is studying for her high school

I am human, and I bleed the same color as everyone else

Roberto Carreiro has been detained for 18 months in Plymouth, Massachusetts Image by @CartoonRalph My name is Roberto Carreiro, and this is my story. I was born in Portugal in 1976. My family and I entered the United States on March 13, 1981, with green cards at the Boston Logan