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Freedom for Immigrants

Total 416 Posts

La Caravana de los Mutilados: What the Beast Has Wrought

by Joseph Sorrentino Members of La Caravana de los Mutilados protest in Mexico City I spent six weeks in Mexico in 2015, investigating the effects of *Plan Frontera Sur*, the Mexican program supposedly designed to keep Central Americans migrating through that country safe. All it really did was stop them

Support the Release of Two Trans Women!

#EndTransDetention Free Sophia and Abigail Artwork by Micah Bizant from #TransLiberationTuesday UPDATE: On Monday, January 22, Emily won her case and is currently adjusting to being in the United States.  We are continuing to support Sophia and Abigail who are still in Otay Mesa

My 1-year-old daughter only knows daddy from the phone

Rosa Huitron’s partner Francisco Esquivel Reyes has been detained by ICE in 5 states since August of 2016 Rosa with her and Francisco’s children, ages 6 and 1 My boyfriend (the father of our two girls, ages 6 and 1 years old) has been in ICE custody since

Urgent Action: Border Officials Forcibly Separate Families

Four asylum-seeking fathers have been separated from their children at the U.S.-Mexico border. Sign the petition, call and write to CBP and ICE to demand their release and family reunification! José Demar Fuentes, 30, and his son Mateo. Photo Credit: Pueblo sin Fronteras From Amnesty International: US border

Stand by or Cry? Everybody can redeem themselves, even dogs

J. is an LGBT asylum seeker from Namibia currently detained in California “Boy with his dog,” by Louise Nienaber (2011). Charcoal and pastel on Fabriano. Source: SketchedOut I come from the Kavango tribe. It is an agricultural and fishing tribe settled along the Kavango river in what is today northeastern