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Freedom for Immigrants

Total 416 Posts

In Lament for Zeresenay

*Zeresenay Esmias Testfatsion fled his home country of Eritrea to seek asylum in the U.S., arriving in January 2017. Conditions in Eritrea are deplorable. In 2017, the U.N. recommended publicly that the President of Eritrea be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. Zeresenay’s

“God willing, someone will take pity on me soon.”

My name is Maria*. I have been living in the U.S. for 14 years, but now I am in immigration detention in Illinois. It is painful and exhausting when you don’t have anyone’s support. Being incarcerated because of this country’s immigration laws can be terrifying, and

Separating Families Is the Real Crime, by Christina Mansfield

Separating Families Is the Real Crime, by Christina Mansfield The Mansfield Family Reunited Across generations, my family knows the pain of separation. My mother Roberta surrendered her first-born child Josh for adoption in 1970. Every person with authority in her life convinced her that she could not have a child

I Quit My Job Because Of ICE. You Can, Too.

Jordon’s story went viral after he quit his job rather than help ICE tear families apart. He wants others to follow in his footsteps. When you learn CPR, one of the things you learn is that before beginning chest compressions, you need to get someone to call 911. If

What You Need To Know About #WhereAreTheChildren

The separation of families and the government “losing track” of immigrant children are two separate issues but part of the same problem: our broken immigration system. Recently, two concerning stories about immigrants have been getting attention: one, that the federal government has lost track of almost 1,500 immigrant children;

A Father Ripped Away From His Daughter

Jose, a Mexican artist, faces deportation and life without his 9-year-old daughter. You can help keep them together. Jose is a Mexican artist, who has been detained in immigration for over eight months. Linda Olvera, through Freedom for Immigrants, has been assisting Jose since then in many ways but, most