Support the Berta Cáceres Act

by Suzanne Llewellyn

School of the Americas Watch (SOAW) Border Convergence in Nogales, October 2016. Vigil honoring Berta Cáceres (pictured above). Photo credit: Tina Shull

I recently visited Honduras on a pilgrimage to identify root causes of migration from that country months after world-renowned indigenous, environmental, women, and human rights activist Berta Cáceres was assassinated. Every group we visited, including Berta’s family, asked us to help pass the Berta Cáceres Human Rights in Honduras Act (HR 1299). This bill would stop U.S. funding of military and security forces in Honduras that are implicated in much of the violence against the people of Honduras.

Berta’s family is asking us to contact our Congressional representatives to ask them to co-sponsor this bill. Witness for Peace has created a website with tools for explaining why Congress should pass this bill:

Click here for the Witness for Peace Toolkit to contact your representatives and more!

Contact your representative through social media with this tool.

The site also contains a list of Congressional members who have already co-signed. If your rep is not on that list, please contact him or her and use these tools to ask for their support.

Thank you for helping those fleeing violence in Honduras and ending up in detention in the United States!

Suzanne Llewellyn
Detention Dialogues Visitation Program, Richmond CA

Read more about “Honduran Resistance” on IMM Print here!