Please Help Me Follow My Dreams

by Esteban

I extend a huge greeting and hug to the entire LGBT community. I come from an indigenous group called the Zapotecs, from a family surrounded by extreme poverty.

When I was nine years old, I decided to leave my grandparents' house because I wanted to continue my studies. When I was a teenager, I started to feel attracted to my own sex. That was when I started to suffer discrimination at school and the contempt of my family because in my country people are very machista (sexist or masculine-chauvinist). I moved to Mexicali and that's where I had the worst experience. Some men attacked me and left me to die. I am alive by a miracle. I almost lost my life. That's why I had to flee.

I am now in the CoreCivic detention center in Eloy, Arizona. I have been here for 7 long months of waiting until this month I was able to get a bond of $5,000. I ask you to please help me follow my dreams. I don't want to be deported, I want to live and be able to fulfill my dreams of learning English and being able to help other people. What I want most is to walk freely and have a job. I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life.


About Esteban: He is a gay Zapotec indigenous man from Mexico who is detained in Eloy, Arizona. Esteban has been living in the Phoenix area for about 17 years and is a respected member of the community. Only a bond of $5,000 separates Esteban from the chance to be free from immigration detention so he can be home with his two beloved dogs. Please donate today and help bring Esteban home in time for his birthday on April 17th!

Esteban is a very positive person and is trying to take the time he is in detention for introspection and to become more spiritual. He has been attending services of several different religious denominations in an effort to learn more about different religions and to see how he can best connect with his spiritual side. He said it can get very lonely and he sometimes feels bored in detention. Guards can be rude and look down on immigrants. He hasn't had anyone threaten him so far but he does feel people judge him sometimes for being gay.

Transcend Arizona has been helping Esteban in his fight for freedom.Esteban is fighting in court to be able to stay in the US, a process which can take years. Now, with a bond, he has a chance to get out and fight his case on the outside, surrounded by supportive community.

Transcend Arizona is a grassroots trans and LGB migrant community collective working towards liberation from all cages and borders.