Part Seven, “On Health and Human Rights” provides readings, reports, and multimedia resources for exploring and challenging medical neglect and human rights abuses that occur in immigration detention.
- Abel, Emily, “‘Only the Best Class of Immigration:’ Public Health Policy Towards Mexicans and Filipinos in Los Angeles, 1910–1940,” *American Journal of Public Health *94 (2004): 932–939.
- ACLU, “Conditions of Confinement in Immigration Detention Facilities.”
- Detention Watch Network, “Detention Oversight is Ineffective, and Puts People’s Lives at Risk.”
- Kraut, Alan M. Silent Travelers: Germs, Genes, and the “Immigrant Menace*”. *New York: Basic Books, 1994.
- Members of the ACE Program, Bedford Hills Correctional Facility,Breaking the Walls of Silence: AIDS and Women in a New York State Maximum Security Prison*. *Overlook Books, 1998.
- Pfeiffer, Mary Beth. Crazy in America: The Hidden Tragedy of our Criminalized Mentally Ill. Basic Books, 2007.
- Shabazz, Rashad, “Mapping Black Bodies for Disease: Prisons, Migration, and the Politics of HIV/AIDS,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2012.
- Specter, Donald, “Cruel and Unusual Punishment of the Mentally Ill in California’s Prisons: A Case Study of a Class Action Suit,” Social Justice, 21 (1994): 109–116.
- Young, Maria Elena, “Immigrant Health in la jaula,” Border Criminologies, May 2015.
Systemic Indifference: Dangerous & Substandard Medical Care in US Immigration Detention*, *Human Rights Watch and Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC), May 2017.
Imprisoned Justice: Inside Two Georgia Immigrant Detention Centers, Project South and Penn State Law Immigrant Rights Clinic, May 2017:
Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Harassment in U.S. Immigration Detention Facilities, Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC), April 2017.
InCorrect Care: A Prison Profiteer Turns Care into Confinement, Grassroots Leadership, March 2016.
Fatal Neglect: How ICE Ignores Deaths in Detention, Detention Watch Network, ACLU, and the National Immigrant Justice Center, February 2016:
Abuse in Adelanto: An Investigation into a California Town’s Immigration Jail, Detention Watch Network and Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC), November 2015.
Lives in Peril: How Ineffective Inspections Make ICE Complicit in Detention Center Abuse, Detention Watch Network and National Immigrant Justice Center,October 2015.
Expose & Close; Expose & Close: One Year Later, Detention Watch Network, November 2012 and 2013.
In Their Own Words: Enduring Abuse in Arizona Immigration Detention Centers, ACLU, 2011.
Deportation by Default: Mental Disability, Unfair Hearings, and Indefinite Detention in the US Immigration System, Human Rights Watch, July 2010.
Voices from Varick: Detainee Grievances at New York City’s Only Federal Immigration Detention Facility (NYCLU 2010), ACLU, 2010.
Detained and Dismissed: Women’s Struggles to Obtain Health Care in US Immigration Detention, Human Rights Watch, March 2009.
Chronic Indifference: HIV/AIDS Services for Immigrants Detained in the US, Human Rights Watch, December 2007. Español
In the News
“‘We don’t feel OK here’: Detainee deaths, suicide attempts and hunger strikes plague California immigration facility,” Los Angeles Times, August 2017.
“Immigrants are Dying in Detention While ICE Ignores its Own Standards,” The Nation, 2016.
“The Strange Death of José de Jesús Part I” and “Part II,” NPR, 2016.
“Immigration Detention Facilities Are Allegedly Denying Inmates Humane Conditions,” *VICE, *2016.
“Welcome to Stewart Detention Center, the Black Hole of America’s Immigration Detention System,” *VICE, *2016:
“Immigrant women say they’re being illegally strip searched by male officers,” *Fusion, *2016.
“‘Drink more water’: Horror stories from the medical ward of a Texas immigration detention center,” Fusion, 2016:
“This Man Will Surely Die” and “Federal Officials Ignored Years of Internal Warnings About Deaths at Private Prisons,” by Seth Freed Wessler, The Nation, 2016.
“I’m Not a Criminal — I’m Just an Immigrant Who Was Trying to Fight My Case,” Mother Jones, 2015
“The Operators of America’s Largest Immigrant Detention Center Have a History of Abuse,” Newsweek, 2014.