My 1-year-old daughter only knows daddy from the phone
Rosa Huitron’s partner Francisco Esquivel Reyes has been detained by ICE in 5 states since August of 2016
After a week or two, federal took over and had him in custody for about five months, and then federal dropped everything (January 13, 2017) and ICE took him back. He was moved to Tacoma Washington and was there for a while. Then recently, they moved him to Texas, then Arizona, then to Louisiana. He stayed in Louisiana for a week or so and now he’s in Etowah, Alabama.
Our oldest daughter was with us when ICE pulled me over and took him. My daughter was 5 years old at the time and I was 7 months pregnant. ICE knew our daughter was with us and of course knew that I was pregnant. They were watching and followed us. My boyfriend was the main provider; at the time I was a part-timer.
When this all happened I was in shock, stressed and afraid. He was given no bond and has priority deportation. ICE told me there was NOTHING I could do. It made me feel hopeless. I was able to get a lawyer, but was unable to keep her because the cost was adding up and I was unable to pay because all of this caused me to lose my job. Before losing my job, I had gone into labor a month early because I had a high level of depression, stress, and anxiety. My baby had a few health issues, but now she’s healthy. I was so heart broken because my boyfriend wasn’t able to be there for my labor. He missed everything!
I’m now struggling to pay the bills and I keep getting behind. I’m going to have to move in with my mom. And my family has been dealing with a lot. My oldest sister just passed away this week. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in December of last year and was paralyzed from the waist down. I need my boyfriend now more than ever.
I’m struggling to get a job because I’m in a deeper depression and it’s so hard to get out of. Most days, I just want to hide and stay in my bed. A few days I feel normal, but I don’t stay that way very long. I can’t afford to send money to my boyfriend to be able to talk to him over the phone.
Our oldest daughter misses him so much and has her days where she’s sad. She was seeing a psychologist for what she witnessed ICE do in front of her.
With dad not coming home from work, she was crying every night wanting him. And hiding under her blankets and pillows because she’s afraid the bad guys were going to break in and get us.
Every day is a struggle. I have to get up early to feed our chickens and dogs. Then I get my girls ready and take my oldest to school. I’m so embarrassed that I had to get help from the government because I couldn’t do it by myself. Even as the days pass it doesn’t get easier for us. My girls and I are citizens and I’m afraid to go live in Mexico. My boyfriend has been in the U.S. since 2000. It’s just so heart-breaking to see others suffering as well. ICE does not care about ripping families apart and doesn’t care how this affects the children. My boyfriend isn’t a danger to our community. He isn’t a “flight risk.” He’s not going to run. He has no reason to.
My 1-year-old daughter only knows daddy from the phone. I want him and our 1-year-old daughter to be able to see each other in person for the first time. All we want is for him to be home with us.
To learn more about immigration detention, find more readings and resources in IMM Print’s #ImmigrationDetentionSyllabus. To join the movement to close immigrant prisons, visit CIVIC’s website at
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