by Elvia Ortiz
Mi nombre es Elvia Ortiz. Me encuentro en un Detencion en Adelanto, CA. Me encuentro Detenida desde el 28 Marzo del 2016. La Razon por la que me encuentro Aqui es por mi cargo de DUI. Desde que llegue no es un lugar comodo. Me han tratado muy mal. Me gustaria contarles todo, lo que he vivido, pero yo no se escribir ni leer mucho. Hojala me poderian visitar para poder contarles por todo lo que e tenido que pasar tanto aqui como con la vida que tenia Afuera.
Espero saver pronto de ustedes.
Muchas Gracias.
My name is Elvia Ortiz. I am in Detention in Adelanto, CA. I have been detained since March 28, 2016. The reason why I am here is because of my DUI charge. Since I arrived, it has not been a comfortable place. I have been treated very poorly. I would like to tell you everything, what I have lived, but I do not write or read much. Could you visit me so that I could tell you about everything that has happened, both here and with the life that I had outside?
I hope to see you soon.
Thank you so much.