Jennings v. Rodriguez: Will the Supreme Court Curb Prolonged Detention?
by Nina Randazzo
Jennings v Rodriguez is a challenge to the class action case Rodriguez v Robbins. When the case was first heard in 2007, the plaintiff, Alejandro Rodriguez, had been detained for more than three years without a bond hearing. This case was brought forward by Rodriguez and other immigrants who had been detained for extended periods of time without hearing. Although a district court in California (where Rodriguez was detained) initially ruled that this case could not be brought forward as a class action lawsuit, the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overruled this decision and ruled in 2015 that a bond hearing must be offered every six months for detained persons and that the persons must be released if the government cannot provide clear and convincing evidence of a flight risk or danger to society. Read more about this case here and here.
CIVIC and NYU’s Immigrant Rights Clinic have launched the campaign #BecauseTheyAreFree to uplift the stories of people who have been subjected to, and who have survived and thrived, beyond prolonged immigration detention.
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United States citizens are legally guaranteed a speedy bond hearing and trial because of the threat posed to an individuals’s basic human rights by the possibility of indefinite detainment of a person who has not even been proven guilty. Jennings v Rodriguez could determine whether the same promise of justice and liberty will be granted to non citizens.
As Justice Sotomayor argued in the October 3rd hearing:
“[In] what other area of law have we permitted a government agent on his or her own, without a neutral party looking at the decision, to detain someone indefinitely?”
Nina Randazzo is an immigrant rights advocate and Ph.D. student in Earth Sciences at Stanford University.