Deported to Africa with Serious Health Issues, Abraham Needs Your Help to Survive

Abraham* desperately needs funds for legal and medical expenses. Please donate here to help him.

Abraham is a proud African man, a college graduate with over 15 years of professional work experience as a teacher. He is a man who dreamed of justice and equality for his people and made the grave mistake of criticizing his government.
In a country with zero tolerance for dissent, Abraham was arrested and survived harsh interrogation techniques before being set “free.”  But the life he once had was gone and freedom was only a dream.

Abraham wore the invisible scarlet letter of a dissident.  He was followed wherever he went; his friends were afraid to be seen with him; he lost his job, and his years of education and work experience were suddenly worthless because people were afraid to hire him. It was impossible for him to move to a different city and start over because of restrictions on movement placed on him by his government.

Abraham came to the United States of America, where the concept of Human Rights was born. He crossed ten countries and walked through the Guatemalan jungle to get to our southern border. There, he took a number and waited for his turn in a Mexican border town. When his number was finally called, he walked to the United States Customs and Border Patrol office and requested asylum. He was detained despite having a sponsor who offered him a stable living environment while his case went through legal channels.  

This YouTube video contains excerpts of letters written by Abraham while detained at Adelanto

Abraham survived nearly two years of nightmarish conditions in immigration  detention in California.  His health deteriorated - but still, he was denied a bond.  When COVID-19 struck, he believed that, given his recent cancer diagnosis, he would be released from detention on humanitarian grounds. Instead, ICE officers brutally forced him to "sign" his deportation papers – with a fingerprint rather than an actual signature.

Against International conventions (UN Executive Committee Conclusions regarding Return of Persons Found Not to be in Need of International Protection No. 85 (bb): Deeply deplores the use of those practices for the return of asylum-seekers which seriously endanger their physical safety and reiterates that returns should be undertaken in a humane manner and in full respect for their human rights and dignity.), Abraham’s country, like many others, believes that seeking protection from another country is a form of betrayal.

Last month, Abraham was deported to his country. All of his legal documents were then confiscated by government officials who plan to charge him with treason, which will most likely entail a life in prison or worse.

He would have been kept in jail until a final ruling in his case is reached, but he needed to be hospitalized due to rapidly deteriorating health. He was released on bond under sponsorship of family members.

He needs a good lawyer to help him and he needs medical attention. His country is on the verge of civil war. The political unrest has gotten worse. He has no valid form of identification and therefore cannot continue to access government medical care.  He desperately needs legal and medical services - and these cost money.  

We am hoping to raise $1000 to save Abraham’s life through this fundraiser. Please help!

* Name changed for protection from possible retribution and harm.